Address and opening hours
Sochi, Nesebrskaya str. 1a. TG Grand Marina


Cafe: 09:00-00:00
Restaurant: 12:00-00:00
Karaoke: 21:00-06:00
Terrace: 12:00-00:00 (seasonal)
All your feedback, questions and suggestions you can send us an e-mail, call us by phone or fill out the contact form on the right


The restaurant has a face control and dress code system

Recommendations for visiting the restaurant

To make your vacation as positive as possible, please read the rules of visiting the restaurant and Dress Code:

  • Visiting the restaurant during the daytime implies observance of the dress code in the format: elegant casual style of dress.
  • Visiting the restaurant in the evening time assumes observance of dress code in the format: elegant evening look or cocktail.
  • In the restaurant hall from 19:00 there is an age limit of 6+.
  • Visiting the restaurant complex with domestic tame non-exotic animals is possible if the animal is on a leash and does not exceed 40 cm in the withers.

* Visiting the restaurant complex may be denied at the discretion of the administration.